Hengyang ciW group set up new mocr.inery cO.. LTD.. the need of widening because of the company. by the hengyang city south Chino auto ports monufacturing co_ LTD And o science.indusiry and lrade a dragon company. hengyang crown peak outo ports industriol company group property company. Hengyong city in SOUth China outo ports monufacluring co.. LTD By lhe second car occessorles factor,/ owned and controlled by the originai hengyong ldeporiment of hunan province auto occessorles manufacturing professional designated supplier. SO for has a history of more than 50 ,years). hengyang forging factory (the only forged steel), hengyong we machinery
Tfdle『d…SiOn is mainly engaged in all kinds of large seml-traller. dump semi-traller. the speciol seml-trailer and dump trailer. annual production capocity of more lhan l 200 sets.
Costing branch company mainly engaged in elevator frame. broke wheel. oIl kinds of broke disc. broke drum. K41 8 series products and so on. onnual pfoduction copacity of more than 20000 tons.
Forging branch company mainly engaged in ship. automobile. elecirical equipment. oll kinds of machinefy forglng parts. consumable materiol capacity of more than 3000 tons
Mochinlng branch company molnIV engaged in all kinds of machinery parts processing.
annual production capocity of more trcon 100000
ShOW nanyue mountain of the compomr Is iocoted in tne mounlaIns. the side of the xiangliang river. beijing-guangzhou route ond xiong-gui line intersection hengyong ciW. oddvess lorge scale high speed and steomed long [the originoi 107 state road intersection southeast corner. 1 with expresswoy. notlonal highwoy. the troffic is very convenient The company covers an area of more thon 50000 squore meters. budding oreo of more thon 30000 squore meters. existing StOff 600
people. senior professionol and technical personnel 90 people. ail kinds of produclion equlpment more than 500. more} thon production of various kinds of serles more thon 80. more thon 1 600 kinds of products.
The compony has passed IS09001 :2008 standord certificotion. the products sell well In more than 1 60 domestic distribution unll. ond success in Kenyo. Nigeria. Angola and other Africon market and Middle East coun~ries SUCh OS iron.
The compony has been commilted to produci reseorch ond development. innovallon.development ond expansion. to meet customer demond.
Our m吣ssiOn: to creote sustainoble cooperation. double pro卅 obility. provide permanent stage;
Our monagementldeo: to seii to customers is not a product credlbily;
We co-shore: lead the morket. service market. create morket;
Our quolity: first-closs work. first-class products. first-closs service;
Our tenet: strives for the survival by the quality. seek development by credibilify. Quality driven
worid. Integrity create the future. sincerely service customers around the world.
郵編:421005 電話:0734-8203383 手機:15873455890 電子信箱:hyhnqp@163.com
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